👨 About

“About Dimitri Sandikovsky… and as you know, I’m idealist, perfectionist, but not a romantic person, lol Such as Mr. Bean or Jim Carrey, can you see a romantic of their both?”

Dimitri Sandikovsky A.K.A Sandi is an alumnus from D3 Computer Engineering, Bina Sarana Informatika, was an active member in several science, IT, & Kaskus forum :ilovekaskuss with nickname Anitsuya. 😎

D. Sandikovsky
Asal mula nama Dimitri Sandikovsky

Kenapa harus “Dimitri Sandikovsky?”, well… It’s a long story anyway 🙄 Tapi singkatnya begini, karena nama gue ini cuma Sandi tok alias Sandi doang, itulah yg membuat gue sering ditolak registrasi di situs manapun bahkan termasuk Facebook. It’s because I don’t have any last name & I can’t left the “Last Name” registration field empty..!! :nohope:

Jadi ya gue harus nambahin sesuatu di belakang, saat itu yg kepikiran adalah karena gue suka anything of Russia, maka ya jadilah nama sekarang ini. Setidaknya hanya sebagai pengenalan di dunia maya aja, & ga bisa atau mau dirubah lagi, maklum, di dunia maya udah terkenalnya ya nama itu. 🤣

SummaryJobs Before - PresentTanya Rahasia

Informal Job (Oct 2009 – Sep 2011)

Industry : Internet – Banking
Position Title (Level) : Freelancer
Job Description :

To spend my time when I’m off at campus, I’ve became a freelancer from the internet, it’s wide job but it’s not bad for the paid.

After graduating, I’m out from online freelancer because I don’t have much time anymore, so I spend my time to manage some credit cards of people who need my services. Sometimes people need a pure money, not for shopping, but how to “transform” their credit card into money without buying anything? I don’t know exactly, but I’m just a distributor only.

I also did phising to many people, mostly Facebook site. I created phising page based on multi-host so that hosting provider difficult to detect fraud. I make more money from this individual job, $240/mo.


Home Made Bakery Indonesia (Jul 2012 – Feb 2013)

Industry : Food & Beverages
Position Title (Level) : Messenger – HRD Assistant
Job Description :
  1. Transaction for banking (withdrawal-giro-forex).
  2. Give an order to production staff to make what a customer needs.
  3. IT troubleshooting (but not networking, because I’m inexperienced for now)
  4. As retrieval to a several companies.
Conclusion, my job right now is not focused, I love it but I still need a focused job, especially IT.


Indomaret (Sep 2013 – Present)

Industry : Retailing
Position Title (Level) : IT Controlling (Analyst – Operational)
Job Description :
  1. Analyzing every each IT problems in every stores & branches all over Indonesia
  2. Sampling the stores & branches (when necessary)
  3. We also provide a services to create applications, mostly based on Java
  4. Ideas, innovations, critics, & supports are basic primary skills
Tanya bebas asal sopan 😁
